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Juanita Benedict

Healthy Solutions for Dental Professionals, USA

Title: Beyond ergonomics: Why you are still practicing dentistry in pain and how to stop


Biography: Juanita Benedict


In 2015 Business Insider ranked dentistry as the number one profession most dangerous to your health. Great advances have been made in dental ergonomics over the past few decades to address the serious health consequences of delivering dental care. This has created a greater awareness of the physical, psychological and financial consequences of dentistry and the need to change how dental professionals practice. Despite these advances, recent research reveals 60-80% of dentists and up to 95% of dental hygienists practice in pain. The fantastic news is that this pain can be 100% eliminated. Beyond Ergonomics is a course designed for practicing dental professionals who want to take action to improve their health and extend their careers by learning how to stop pain. Participants of this class will explore the fundamental building blocks of pain and learn strategies to interrupt it at the physiological level. Participants will discover the secrets of creating, organizing and performing effective individualized assessments in order to tailor interventions specifically designed for their bodies and unique delivery of care. Assessing environmental, physical and psychological contributions to pain and applying personalized strategies is the only way to realize pain free dentistry. Beyond Ergonomics empowers dental professionals to take control of their practice and regain your love of dentistry?