Jenner Oscarly Argueta Zepeda
Academia de Endodoncia de Guatemala, Guatemala
Title: Simplicity and innovation in endodontics
Biography: Jenner Oscarly Argueta Zepeda
Endodontics has benefited from technology in every aspect involving preparation, irrigation and obturation as the main components of root canal treatment. Clinicians can work nowadays more efficiently and comfortably achieving extraordinary success rates. For endodontists, it would be ideal to have a single machine capable of implement devices that work effectively on each one of the endodontic treatment aspects, however, that kind of device does not exist by itself, and there are different types of tools available in market that clinicians could integrate to their clinical practice. Available technology in conjunction with expertise and knowledge could lead to the endodontists to provide a reliable outcome to each endodontic procedure. The target of the lecture is to show in which way affordable technology could be applied to simplify endodontic procedures, always keeping in mind the basic principles that have ruled the specialty for years.