T Andre Shirdan
The CREW Process-Media, Pennsylvania, USA
Title: Stat-Ck- Periodontal conditions classified and dimystified in simple language and treatment methods
Biography: T Andre Shirdan
Current studies have found over 80% of adults have some form of periodontal disease. Over 50% had gingivitis involving an average of three to four teeth. Subgingival calculus was found in 67% of the population. Adult periodontitis with pocket depth greater than or equal to 4 mm was present in 30% of the population, involving an average of three to four teeth. The fact that severe pockets greater than or equal to 6 mm were found in less than 5% of the population shows that periodontal treatment has made an impact on the current adult population. With this as our patient base what we find in the practice base is a 6% to 8% use of the ADA codes in the 4000 (periodontal treatment) range. The vast majority of registered dental hygienist and dentists who perform general periodontal services have a system to manage periodontal disease that includes probing to document the patient’s condition and to aid in diagnosis the disconnect between diagnosis and treatment is patient compliance and understanding of curative measures. In 1977, the World Health Organization introduced the CPITN- Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs. In 1992, the ADA and AAP introduced PSR- Periodontal Screening and Recording. In 2002, Dr Neil Gottehrer and I published Stat-Ck in Dentistry Today. Stat-Ck (pronounced “Stat-Check”) offers the practice method of quantifying periodontal disease clearly in language that patients understand while bringing consistency to treatment methods from clinician to clincian.